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Clean-Up Guide

Thank you for joining us to help protect Jersey's beautiful environment.


As litter can have such devastating consequences for our land and oceans, we are asking people to look for the following items during this morning’s clean-up event:


  • Cans

  • Bottles 

  • Plastic bags

  • Picnic items/food containers and wrappers

  • Toys 

  • Disposable masks 

  • Fishing nets

  • Cigarette butts 

  • Receipts


Why now?


According to Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the world is producing twice as much plastic waste as two decades ago. Only a successful 9% of plastic is being recycled according to a new OECD report.


And plastic will not go away.


Plastic in the ocean gets broken into bits all the time, and these bits become tinier all the time. 


In 2021, more than 11 million metric tons of plastic are flowing into the ocean each year. World Wildlife magazine mentioned that by 2050, the oceans will contain more tons of plastic than fish.


It is a critical time in our journey to a greener future. Today you are taking a step to reduce pollution and protect our local biodiversity and animal population. 




Gloves, rubbish bags and/or grabbers will be available from your JEP representative.


Please ensure you take safety precautions when handling sharps, and wear the gloves provided. Sharps are to be delivered to the allocated sharps box at the welcome table.  


Please bring your bags back to the meeting point, where they will be collected at the end of the event for disposal.


All dogs must be kept on a lead during the event, as per Government of
Jersey regulations.


While we would love a sunny day, we know that anything could happen. Pease make sure you are appropriately dressed for the weather, keep hydrated and wear sun protection.


Although it is due to be high tide at the time of the event, please take extra caution around the shoreline, rocks and slippery areas.


Should any accident, incident or emergency occur, please dial 999.

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